Spruce Lodge lessons Swim for Life Flow Chart

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Spruce Lodge Swim for Life Flow Chart
Parented Classes Class outline Preschool Levels Class Outline
Parent and Tot One
  • Children 4 months to 12 months
  • Fully-parented entire session
  • Pass out of this level when 12 months old.


Preschool One
  • For children 3-5 years
  • Ready to swim on their own with an instructor.
  • Skills they will learn: Face in water, blow bubbles, float on front and back assisted, glides, how to enter and exit the water, wear and move in a PFD
Parent and Tot Two
  • 12 months to 24 months
  • Fully-parented entire session
  • Pass out of this level when two years old
Preschool 2
  • For children 3-5 years
  • Ready to swim on own with Instructor
  • Skills they will learn: jump in, submerge, exhale, floats and glides wearing PFD/using buoyant aid, flutter kick on back with buoyant aid
Parent and Tot Three
  • 2-3 years old
  • Parented for first 4 weeks of the session
  • This class is for children who are ready to listen to and follow basic safety rules
  • When complete and 3 years old move to PRESCHOOL ONE
Preschool 3
  • For children 3-5 years
  • Swimming on own with Instructor
  • Skills they will learn: deep water jump with PFD, sideways entry, submerge, hold breath, recover object, floats without assistance, glides without assistance, flutter kick 5m front and back, lateral roll.
Parent and Tot Four
  • For children 2-4 years old
  • Fully parented entire session
  • This class is for children who are just starting lessons or are not ready to listen and follow basic safety rules.
  • When your child has passed this level they can move to PARENT AND TOT 3 or PRESCHOOL ONE (if ready to swim on own and they are THREE years old)
  • Once your child is four they must join Preschool One whether they have completed PT 4 or not.
Preschool 4
  • For children 3-5 years
  • Swimming on own with instructor
  • Skills they will learn: jump into deep water and return, sideways entry, tread with PFD, recover object, Swim to Survive skills, glides, flutter kicks, front crawl in PFD
  • COMPLETE THIS LEVEL move to Preschool 5.
  • Incomplete this level and turn six MOVE TO SWIMMER ONE.
    Preschool 5
  • For children 3-5 years
  • Swimming on own
  • Skills they will learn: Forward roll entry with PFD, tread water, submerge and hold breath 5 sec, recover object, Swim to Survive Skills, whip kick, front crawl, back crawl, interval training.
  • COMPLETE this level but not yet six, MOVE TO SWIMMER ONE.
  • INCOMPLETE this level but 6 years old, MOVE TO SWIMMER ONE.
Swimmer Level Class Order and Description
Swimmer One
  • For children Six and up
  • Swimming on their own with Instructor
  • Skills they will learn: enter and exit, jump in, jump in deeper water, tread water, hold breath, submerge, open eyes, floats, glides, flutter kicking, front crawl with PFD
Swimmer Two
  • For children Six and up
  • Swimming on their own with Instructor
  • Skills they will learn: jump into deep water return and exit assisted, sideways entry with PFD, tread water, recover object, flutter kick front, back, and side, front and back crawl, interval training.
Swimmer Three
  • For children six and up
  • Swimming on their own with Instructor
  • Skills they will learn: jump into deep water return and exit, sideways entry, tread water, recover object, Swim to Survive skills, flutter kick front, back, side, whip kick, front crawl and back crawl, interval training.
Swimmer 4
  • For children six and up
  • Skills they will learn: tread water, handstand, Swim to Survive skills, flutter kick on back, reverse direction flutter kick on front, whip kick, front crawl and back crawl, interval training
Swimmer Five
  • For children six and up
  • Skills they will learn: sitting dive, log roll entry, tread water, front somersault, Swim to Survive skills, whip kick, front and back crawl, interval training
Swimmer Six
  • For children six and up
  • Skills they will learn: tread water, swim underwater, Full Swim to Survive Standard, whip kick on front, breaststroke arms drill, front and back crawl, interval training, sprint front crawl.
Swimmer Seven
  • Skills they will learn: tuck jump, jump entry and tread, eggbeater, back somersault in water, log roll, tread, and swim, scissor kick, breaststroke, front and back crawl, head up front crawl, interval training front and back crawl and breaststroke, sprint front crawl and back crawl.
Swimmer Eight
  • Skills they will learn: stride entry, compact jump, legs only surface support, stationary sculling, swim underwater and recover object, eggbeater kick travel, side stroke, breaststroke, front crawl and back crawl, head up swim, interval training, sprint breaststroke, endurance swim.


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