Pool Power Posture

By Erin Klumper

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Power Posture

  • Tips to Help You Align:
    • Feet below hip joints
    • Even weight on each foot
    • Knees unlocked slightly so the pelvis can move

    • Place hands on pelvic bowl:
    o Rock pelvis forward backward gently
    o Make the rocking smaller and smaller until you feel the pelvis is level

    • Place fingertips on ASIS – protruding bones on the front of the ilium
    o Attempt to pull these bones toward each other
    o This is impossible, but you want to feel like you are strapping these bones together using deep abdominal muscles

    • Tighten your pelvic floor muscles (3/10 if 10 is maximum)
    o If you are being treated for pelvic pain, omit this step Tighten your pelvic floor muscles (3/10 if 10 is maximum)
    o If you are being treated for pelvic pain, omit this step

    • Increase the space between your bottom rib and the ASIS
    o You will feel your low back muscles engage and your rib cage lift
    o If your low back is uncomfortable when you do this, decrease the degree of extension of your low back – relax the rib cage down somewhat

    • Keep the pelvic girdle aligned and stabilized, then move your thoughts upward
    toward your shoulders:
    o Roll the shoulders up • back • down several times
    o Focus on how low you can roll the shoulders downward
    o Stop the roll in the lowest shoulder position (remember, the chest is still lifted and the pelvis stable)

    • Now, focus on the neck:
    o Place your index finger in front of your lips, like saying “SHHHHH”
    o Keeping your head level, pull your lips straight back from your finger
    o This will align your ears over your shoulders, reducing head-forward posture


Created by: Connie Jasinskas M.Sc., CEP 

