Spruce Lodge Family Survey Results 2022
Print this pageSpruce Lodge Family Survey Results 2022
A Summary of the Open Ended Question Comments:
What to you consider to be the reason that makes the Lodge a great place for your family member to live here?
- The staff are courteous and approachable, willing to try different ideas
- It is clean and home like, place is well kept, well maintained
- Great activity program
- Quality care
- Friendly staff that cares for my family member and that supports our family
- Full time staff
- Communication, the home has done a great job getting us through COVID, keeping us updated and doing the best they possible could
- Social events for residents
- Open communication between staff and family
- Nice safe outdoor area for good weather enjoyment
- Pastoral care
- Good food
- The competence, care and concern and experience of the people who work there
- Staff are excellent and caring
What is an area Spruce Lodge could improve upon for your resident?
- If the staff could provide a daily update instead of always having to ask questions
- Better food
- More activities for all residents, weekends need programs just as much as week days
- Can’t think of a single thing, perhaps more staff
- Hiring permanent staff
- Reduce frequent changes of staff location
- Knowing where to go to talk to someone in charge when visiting
- Communication between departments
- Restarting aquafit classes
- Dusting resident rooms, better cleaning of resident wheelchairs
- More timely communication of changes within the home
- Improve the phone system