Spiritual Care
Print this page“It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up. “
~Eckhart Tolle~
Spruce Lodge recognizes the importance of the spiritual dimensions of a life, and that all elements of life contribute to one’s spiritual wellness. The Spiritual Care Coordinator, in conjunction with local churches, organizes regular chapel worship and communion services for many faith groups. The chapel is also available for quiet meditation as well as special services such as the renewal of wedding vows, funerals/memorial services or any number of special needs which the residents may find important and meaningful.
We strive to honour and support resident values that feed the spirit.
“Music is, at its essence, the sound of spirit.”
~ Frank Fitzpatrick~
At Spruce Lodge we recognize the role that music plays in our spirituality. Music speaks to and through the heart, transcending the physical challenges of life, deepening our understanding of the Divine. It is probably the easiest method of meditation to access ‘calm’ and to appreciate our oneness.
As well as formal worship, music and meditation, sometimes a quiet, one-on-one spiritual time of sharing is needed for processing, understanding, and praying ….in order to facilitate healing and peace for a troubled mind and spirit.
“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, people cannot live without a spiritual life.”