Spruce Lodge Visitors Policy- June 2023

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Spruce Lodge recognizes that visiting family and friends are critical in supporting a residents physical and emotional well-being.   Visits will occur in accordance with all applicable laws, including any applicable directives, orders, guidance, advice or recommendations issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health or a medical officer of health appointed under the Health Protection and Promotion Act.   


Essential Visitors:   Essential visitors include a person performing essential support services (e.g., food delivery, inspector, maintenance, or health care services (e.g., phlebotomy) or a person visiting a very ill or palliative resident.  Essential visitors may also include:

Support worker: A type of essential visitor who is visiting to perform essential support services for the home or for a resident at the home.  Examples include physicians, nurse partitioners, maintenance workers or persons delivering food or parishioners.

Essential Caregiver: A type of essential visitor who is designated by the resident and/or their substitute decision-maker; and visiting to provide direct care to the resident (e.g. supporting feeding, mobility, personal hygiene, cognitive stimulation, communication, meaningful connection, relational continuity and assistance in decision-making).

General Visitors: (Indoor and Outdoor Visitors) A general visitor is someone who is NOT an essential visitor. They provide non-essential services or visit for social reasons (e.g. family members or friends), including care related to cognitive stimulation, meaningful connection and relational continuity.   


Visitor Access:  Non Outbreak

Spruce Lodge does not have designated visiting hours.  If you arrive after 9:30 p.m. you may ring the buzzer for a staff member to assist you. There are no limitations to the number of visitors permitted to visit for indoor or outdoor gatherings. Visitors may enter through the main entrance and may visit in any of the common areas and or in a resident room. 

Visitor Access:

Respiratory & Enteric Outbreak

Essential visitors are the only type of visitor permitted during a confirmed Respiratory or Enteric Outbreak.  There is no limit to the number or essential visitors permitted. Visitors are asked to check in with the care staff prior to visiting and must limit visitation to one resident only. Visitors are required to wear a mask at all times, and use appropriate PPE when visiting a resident who has Respiratory Illness. 

Note: Exceptions will be made for residents receiving palliative care or those that are very ill.

Visitor Access: Confirmed Covid-19 Outbreak

Essential visitors are the only type of visitor permitted during a confirmed Covid-19 Outbreak.  One essential visitor permitted per resident at a time only.  Visitors are asked to check in with the care staff prior to visiting and must limit visitation to one resident only. Visitors are required to wear a mask at all times, and use appropriate PPE when visiting a resident who has COVID-19

Note: Exceptions will be made for residents receiving palliative care or those that are very ill.

Visitor Designation

A record of visitor designation will be maintained via PCC on the resident profile page to indicate the designation of visitor.



Visitors are NOT permitted to enter if experiencing any signs or symptoms of illness.  All visitors are required to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 prior to entry.

Visitors are required to complete the visitor log in by using the screening app located at the entrance to Spruce Lodge.  This log is maintained for a minimum of 30 days.  At time of entry, visitors will confirm the following:

  • Name and Contact Information
  • Time and date of visit
  • Name of resident visited
  • They are free of symptoms associated with Covid-19 or other illness.
  • They have reviewed the infection control material provided

Any visitor failing screening is not permitted to enter the home.

Those visiting a resident receiving palliative care or who is very ill will be permitted entry if they fail screening, but must wear a surgical mask and maintain physical distance from other residents and staff.


Pet Visits

Visitors are welcome to bring in pets during their visit if they are able to provide proof of up-to-date vaccinations. During the visit they are required to comply with the Spruce lodge pet visitation policy at all times.


Resident washrooms are for resident use only.  All visitors entering the Lodge use the washroom facilities across from the elevator.

Eating and drinking while visiting

Visitors are welcome to bring in take-out or special teats to enjoy with a resident.  They may use the fireside lounge, living room, alcove or outdoor courtyard space to enjoy a meal or snack.  Please note that visitors are responsible for clean-up following the meal.

Note: Eating is not permitted in room of resident while in outbreak.



Date/Initial     May 28, 2021

Peter Bolland

Date/Initial      June 9, 2021

Peter Bolland

Date/Initial   January 5, 2022

Peter Bolland


Date/Initial     Feb 18, 2022

Julie Bree


Date/Initial     June 2, 2023

Julie Bree




Posted: October 2023